Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day - 2012

I'm not writing this post just because it's February 14. But it is and that means today is Valentine's Day. 

For me it means I'm somewhere between "Honey don't spend any money buying me roses" and sitting at work wondering why, if I'm not getting flowers, why not a lunch invitation?  Before we start looking at possible reasons for the non-invitation let me just say that Hubs and I work at the same place and said place has a cafeteria.  Lunch would not be an inconvenience based on the logistics.

Maybe I'll have a $7.99 set of flowers from the market when I get home tonite.  In the spirit of being completely honest, I would love to go home, find the $7.99 bouquet, eat a slice of Pizza with Hubs and Thing 2 and go to sleep.  Not bed.  Sleep.

Thing 1 is at college and it's our first Valentine's day being apart.  She was the original person that taught me unconditional love and it's sad to me that she's not here to have a slice of pizza with us.  Her boyfriend is in Florida in the Marines so Thing 1 basically has nobody around her for this "Love" day.  Believe me I'm trying not to dwell on all that sadness.  She does get to fly out on Friday to see BF for a long weekend ~ so all's well that ends well.

Hubs just texted me to tell me he's going to gym.  I guess I'll grab my sandwich (that he made) and stop waiting for a lunch invitation and I'll see him at home later.

Listen, I may be a little nuts, but I'm lucid enough to be thankful for my Dear Hubs even if we never lunch together.  I'm one of the lucky ones this Valentine's Day.

Individual Fruit Pizza for our Just Dessert celebration at work.

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