Thursday, December 27, 2012

Holiday 2012 Madness Part 1

This is the day that the holiday season of 2012 started to go stir crazy.  Before that it was just regular crazy.

It started with Halloween, or rather the Halloween that we didn't have.  On Monday October 29, 2012 Hurricane Sandy made her way to us on the south shore of Long Island.  Thankfully our home was spared any damage, our in-laws and neighbors as well.  However - 2 doors down from us our neighbors mighty oak tree was uprooted and fell directly into the street. Thank God it fell that way and nobody's roof was damaged on this block.  I wasn't thanking God however when the tree took our power lines with it.

Suddenly we were without power, hot water, and heat. With all faith in humanity we waited for the power company to come out and fix us. And we waited.  And we froze. We used our Bar-b-Que grill as much as we could but it was too cold to stand out there and cook.  I was aware that other neighbors and 'hoods were without power as well but I needed to worry about us.  Schools were closed, work was understanding, but we needed to get fixed.  In total we lost about 2 weeks between power being out, cable being out, in-laws staying with us because their power was out.

We never quite made up for lost time after that.  We have tried to in many ways, but the fact is time is going by so quickly that you can't make up for lost time.  Once time is gone, it's gone. Lessons learned from all the madness - 1) we need a generator at home.  It's now December 27 and I'm still waiting for my husband to get that together.  2) Family friends are priceless.  The showers and electricity and news they provided were heaven sent gifts.  3) Do not open Halloween candy before October 31 or you will eat it even in the dark and in the cold. 

The very good part of this ordeal was that T1 and I had the foresight for me to drive into NYC and bring her home before the storm.  Not just for safety but also because she was flying out to the Marine Corps Ball to be with T1F.  It was a perfect plan because the City was in worse shape in may ways.  They had flooded subways, streets with puddles that looked like small ponds and no way to drive in and no way to drive out the first couple of days.

By the time her flight was scheduled to leave, she was able to get on the plane and fly to her true love, and true warmth, hot water and hot food.  They also really enjoyed the ball.

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