Thing 1 was born at just the right time in my life. It was my late 20s, things weren't that great in my marriage and our good Lord knew she was going to be the best thing in my life for a long, long time.
Labor was long at 19+ hours. Delivery was quicker which I believe is because she only weighed 5 lbs, 9 oz. I fell in love with her instantly and my whole world became her. I became that mother moose that you see on animal shows that will stomp out any harm that even tries to come her way. I adopted the motto of 'do what you want to me, but don't mess with my kid.' I still feel that way about her.
I've always said that T1 kept me from going under when it became time to leave that marriage. It was difficult, acrimonious, and at times it seemed like it might've been easier to let "him" win because I couldn't summon up the strength to keep going. But I knew in my heart that both T1 and I needed better: we needed happier, we needed love, we needed out.
It turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. Life became all about her & I. We were thick as thieves, so much alike, and we did everything together. I never minded that my social life was non-existent; that any interaction with my friends always included her. When my husband and I were courting (which is an entirely new story deserving of it's own post), T1 was always there. We were a package a deal. Hubs never minded.
Through the years as she grew, I grew also. I grew to accept that she was growing; that she would have friends and do things with her friends; that she would form her own likes and dislikes. The beauty was in her always coming home to me. I wouldn't have had it any other way.
Her teenage years were just that - teenage years. In my opinion they started a little later that I expected but it was a whole new world of alternating between wanting to protect her so bad and wanting to strangle her so many times. She is a lot like me. She knows what she likes and she knows what she doesn't. She it true to herself and I couldn't be prouder.
T1 had the 1st boyfriend that broke her heart. I picked up the pieces with her and we moved on. Later in high school, she met Him. Him who was the geek in Science class. Him who had his eye on her a long time ago but she never noticed. Him who asked her to be 'his' the day after Valentine's Day. Maybe because the 14th was just too cliche.' They were friends first and that mattered a lot.
They continued on through the rest of the school year. They looked like a Hollywood glamour couple at the Junior prom. They were both tall and gorgeous. Dark hair and bright smiles. Senior year came. His calling was the Marine Corps. Hers was college. My heart broke at the thought of what was coming. I asked her if she should end the relationship before he leaves. She said no. No way. They looked like High School royalty at the Senior prom. My heart swelled and broke at the same time. Recruit training was coming up. They needed to pack in all the memories that they could.
He left. She cried. She fell apart and I cried with her. Gone were the daily conversations and text messages. She held strong and when that first letter came almost 3 weeks later, she came back to herself. She loved him and was dedicated to their relationship. In my heart I applauded her. She was a great country music song coming to life. Stand by your Man and all that great stuff.
October 2011. His graduation from Recruit Training (boot camp is a term not used by the Corps). We took a long road trip to see him with his mom and siblings. What great people they turned out to be. I couldn't contain my tears seeing him with his Dad, his Mom, then with Her. It was too much for my heart to take in. I tried to take pictures through the tears. They needed these memories on "film."
He took the time to hug me and thank me for everything. He had me hooked.
The decision to stay together while he did his 4 years in the Corps and she did her 4 years in College was made. I admired their loyalty and would do what I could to support them.
An early birthday gift to her to fly down and visit him. I was nervous that she was going alone. Her first solo trip and my nerves were frazzled. How could that little girl of mine actually get out of New York without me there to help? Well maybe I did something right because she made it. He was waiting for her. I could rest that night.
Until the call came. Mom, guess what just happened? Honey, you ok? Mom he proposed marriage! Joy, excitement, tears of happiness, tears of sadness. How did she grow up that quickly before my eyes?
She said yes. He will now be referred to as T1F. Thing 1's Fiance.
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